Energy Efficiency: Our Dome houses are designed to minimize energy consumption. Their aerodynamic shape reduces wind resistance, and their thermal mass can help with temperature regulation.

Sustainability: We focus on eco-friendly materials and construction methods, promoting sustainability and reducing environmental impact.

Durability: Our Dome structures are often more resilient to extreme weather conditions, making them a safer option in areas prone to natural disasters.

Unique Design: Our Dome houses have a distinctive aesthetic that can stand out in a neighborhood, offering a unique living experience.

Space Efficiency: The open interior space in our dome houses can be more versatile, allowing for creative layouts and maximizing usable living area.

Cost-Effectiveness: Depending on the materials and construction methods used, Our dome houses can sometimes be more affordable to build and maintain compared to traditional homes.

Customizability: We offer customizable designs to fit the specific needs and preferences of their clients.

Community: We foster a community of dome house owners, providing support and resources for new buyers.


Affordability: Our Container houses are often more cost-effective than traditional homes due to the availability of shipping containers and lower construction costs.

Sustainability: Us Using repurposed shipping containers helps reduce waste and promotes recycling, making them an environmentally friendly choice.

Speed of Construction: Our Container houses can be built relatively quickly, as the structural frame is already present, allowing for faster completion times compared to conventional building methods.

Durability: Our Shipping containers are designed to withstand harsh conditions, making them robust and durable structures that can last for many years.

Modularity: Our Container homes can be easily expanded or reconfigured by adding more containers, offering flexibility in design and layout.

Unique Aesthetic: The industrial look of our  container homes can appeal to those seeking a modern or unconventional style.

Mobility: Our Container houses can be transported relatively easily, making them suitable for those who may want to relocate in the future.

Energy Efficiency: With proper insulation and design, our container homes can be energy-efficient, reducing heating and cooling costs.

Customizability: We offer customizable designs, allowing homeowners to tailor their space to their specific needs and preferences.

Resilience: Our Container houses can be adapted to various climates and terrains, providing a versatile housing option for diverse locations.